Argentina was elected as member of the United Nations Human Rights Councils for the 2019-2021 term after obtaining 172 ballots in the election held at the United Nations General Assembly in New York. Latin American and Caribbean States had to elect members for 3 seats. Bahamas and Uruguay were also elected.
The Human Rights Council is the main permanent body on human rights globally and has its seat in Geneva. The Council is made up of 47 members elected by the UN General Assembly by direct, universal and secret ballot. Criteria for electing Council members relate to the contribution made by candidates to the promotion and protection of human rights, as well as their voluntary pledges and commitments in this regard.
Argentina will serve as Human Rights Council Member for the fourth time since its creation in 2006, always being an active member which has presented various initiatives aimed at raising human rights standards, including the inclusion of the Right to the Truth on the international agenda; initiatives on Forensic Genetics and Human Rights; Human Rights and transitional justice; Business and Human Rights; the Negative Impact of corruption on the enjoyment of human rights; child, early and forced marriage in humanitarian settings; Cultural Rights and cultural heritage; Rights of older persons; the protection of schools during armed conflict and Enforced Disappearances.
Press Release No. 413/18