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Argentina rejects the results announced by the Venezuelan Electoral Council

Monday, 29 July 2024
Information for the Press N°: 

The Argentine Republic does not recognize the results announced by the Venezuelan Government claiming victory in the presidential election held on 28 July and strongly condemns the actions of President Nicolas Maduro who, as expected, has once again disregarded the will of the Venezuelan people to live in a free, prosperous and democratic Venezuela. The Argentine Government has ordered the Chargé d'Affaires in Caracas not to participate in the rally convened for today by the Venezuelan authorities to proclaim the ruling-party candidate as winner.

The Argentine Republic considers it essential that the opposition be allowed to access the voting records and urges the Venezuelan authorities to respect the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Venezuela is a State Party, especially its article 25.

The ban on, and persecution of, opposition leaders, the systematic violation of human rights, and the refusal to accept the presence of foreign observers and press, as well as the obstacles imposed on Venezuelan citizens abroad to prevent them from voting were clear indications that this election would be neither democratic nor transparent. Nevertheless, many members of the international community, including the Argentine Republic, chose to be confident that in this minimal space for popular participation that was left, change for Venezuela was still possible.

From the beginning of President Milei's administration, the Argentine Republic has strongly and permanently denounced all of these irregularities and the growing deterioration of the political and humanitarian situation in Venezuela, not only with words, but also by means of concrete actions, such as granting diplomatic asylum to opposition leaders who, after 4 months, are still awaiting the granting of the required safe-conducts to safely leave Venezuelan territory.

The Argentine Republic, guided by the principles of freedom, democracy and human rights, will continue to strongly support the Venezuelan people's desire for freedom and calls on the international community to reject the fraudulent results of the election.


Press Release