January 1st 2020, marks the 50th Anniversary of the creation of the Argentine National Antarctic Directorate (DNA), dependency of the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Under Statute 18513, the basis for the development of the Argentine antarctic activity were established, and the DNA was also created, as of January 1st 1970, under the Ministry of Defense. There it remained until 2003, when it became a dependency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, today under the Secretary of Malvinas, Antarctica and the South Atlantic.
Since its creation, the DNA has been in charge of "planning, programing, directing, coordinating and controlling of the Argentine antarctic activity", in order to comply with the objectives of the National Antarctic Policy, and to undertake our country's scientific research activities in Antarctica, through the work carried out by the Argentine Antarctic Institute, dependent from the DNA.
Among its responsibilities, the DNA elaborates the National Antarctic Plan, which details the Argentine Antarctic Programme's activities undertaken each year in that continent, and also promotes, regulates and oversees the application of environmental protection regulations in Antarctica. Furthermore, the DNA administers two Argentine stations: Carlini, main powerhouse of Argentine science in Antarctica, and Brown, which welcomes over 10.000 visitors each year.
Its first director was renowned General Jorge Edgar Leal, who led the first Argentine terrestrial expedition to the South Pole in 1965.
On its 50th Anniversary, the National Antarctic Directorate wishes to thank all those who have been at its side on this historical journey, including all of its personnel and that of the Argentine Antarctic Institute, the many State and Government offices that take part in our Antarctic activity, the National Antarctic Programs of States Party to the Antarctic Treaty, and all those that during these first 50 years have taken part in its activities in Antarctica.