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Coronavirus: Meeting of MERCOSUR Member States

Wednesday, 18 March 2020
Information for the Press N°: 

The MERCOSUR Member States held a virtual meeting to discuss joint lines of action in view of the advance of the coronavirus. They agreed that the primary goal for the time being is to facilitate the return of citizens to their respective countries of origin.

During the teleconference, the Member States agreed to periodically exchange lists of people who have expressed their wish to return to their countries of origin. Those States that have an operational national airline will coordinate actions to facilitate the return of citizens.

In addition, they agreed to notify each other of the measures that have been or will be adopted with regard to their borders and that may affect air, land and maritime transport. Such notification will expressly state which border crossings shall remain open. The Ministries of Foreign Affairs may establish a system for the compilation and dissemination of the measures adopted by the Member States.

They also agreed to remove any obstacles that may be hindering or preventing the dissemination of goods, and to consider the adoption of measures that will facilitate the transport of essential goods and supplies, including those related to food, hygiene and healthcare.

Finally, they analysed the viability and convenience of reducing tariffs on goods and supplies related to the prevention of diseases and healthcare. The MERCOSUR Trade Commission will be in charge of drafting proposals in that regard.