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Declaration of the Presidents of PROSUR on the situation in the Republic of Ecuador

Sunday, 13 October 2019
Information for the Press N°: 

In view of the recent acts of disruption of public order and violence in the Republic of Ecuador, we, the Heads of State and Government of PROSUR, declare that:

1. We stand by democracy, the Rule of Law and respect for human rights in Ecuador.

2. We support the efforts by the Ecuadorian Government to maintain peace, public order and democratic institutions using the tools established by the Constitution and the law.

3. We condemn the acts of violence and the attempts to destabilize the country, its institutions and the Ecuadorian democratic process. In addition, we reject any foreign action aimed at altering public order and peaceful coexistence in Ecuador.

4. We urge that the rights to freedom of speech and peaceful assembly be exercised within the framework of international law, without violence, sacking or vandalism.

5. We call on the Government, the legitimate opposition and the representative sectors of the Ecuadorian society to find a peaceful solution, based on dialogue and through institutional channels, in order to promptly leave behind the tense and violent situation experienced over the last several days.

6. We reiterate our support for President Lenín Moreno and his efforts to restore peace and public order in Ecuador, while preserving the Rule of Law, democracy and respect for human rights.
