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Foreign Ministry highlights role of Agroindustrial Council in agreement with corn producers

Thursday, 14 January 2021
Information for the Press N°: 

The Secretary for International Economic Relations, Jorge Neme, stated that President Alberto Fernandez settled the conflict with corn exporters in the best possible way by “betting on a good relationship with one of the most important sectors of the Argentine economy” and “away from views that regard the productive sectors as enemies of the Government.” The Secretary underscored the work done by the Argentine Agroindustrial Council in order to put an end to the conflict and start a new phase of understanding.

“The decision to suspend the resolution that had been adopted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries is a step forward in the relationship between the important agroindustrial productive sector and the Federal Government, and in this regard we highlight the role of the Agroindustrial Council, a body which was created out of the initiative and commitment of important actors of the productive and export sectors who came together with the goal of increasing exports and creating jobs in Argentina.”

“The Foreign Ministry appreciates the readiness to engage in dialogue and search for solutions to keep this sector dynamic and competitive in terms of investment, production, domestic market supply and increased exports.” The Secretary explained that “the characteristics of the agroindustrial and agri-food sectors, which combine investment and innovation, allow for new levels of competitiveness and expansion to international markets, which result in foreign currency inflows that are necessary for the development and reconstruction of the social and productive structure of our country”

“In the context of an international market hit by the pandemic, it makes sense for us to look at ways to guarantee the supply of food both to the international and domestic markets. One of the instruments we have is the export tax, which partially decouples international prices from domestic prices, in addition to withholdings on certain mass market products in our country, which keep the prices of those products affordable to our people” the Secretary added.

Finally, Neme stated that “engaging in dialogue will help us to find solutions that guarantee the supply of food both to our people and to international markets, the latter being essential to obtain the foreign currency necessary for the reconstruction of an economy badly hit by the pandemic and the policies of Mauricio Macri’s government.”

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