The last G20 Sherpa Meeting prior to the Summit of Heads of State and Government scheduled for next September was held between 23 and 25 June in Xiamen, China.
The Argentine delegation was headed by the Argentine Deputy Foreign Minister and G20 Sherpa, Ambassador Carlos Foradori. The members of the Forum continued to address the various topics aimed at achieving an innovative, revitalized, interconnected and inclusive global economy. The aspects discussed included: Trade and Investment, a development strategy guided by structural reforms and productivity growth, including emerging areas such as Innovation, a New Industrial Revolution and the Digital Economy, as well as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, to whose implementation the G20 has undertaken to contribute actively.
Other aspects relating to energy issues, agricultural problems, anti-terrorism matters, environment and the refugee crisis were analyzed.
The Sherpas also approved by acclamation the Argentine Presidency of the G20 for the year 2018.
Press Release No. 198/16
Press Office: 4819-7375 / 8296 / 7388