The Foreign Ministers and Representatives of Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay and Peru, gathered in the city of Lima, on 8 August 2017, in order to address the critical situation in Venezuela and explore ways of contributing to the restoration of democracy in that country by means of a peaceful and negotiated solution;
Driven by the spirit of solidarity typical of the region and convinced that negotiation, conducted with the utmost respect for international law and the principle of non-intervention, which curtails neither human rights nor democracy, is the only mechanism to ensure a lasting solution to any disagreements;
Declare the following:
1. Their condemnation of the rupture of democratic order in Venezuela.
2. Their decision not to recognize the Constituent National Assembly or any decisions thereof, given its illegitimate nature.
3. Their full support for and solidarity towards the democratically elected National Assembly.
4. That any legal acts which pursuant to the Constitution require the authorization of the National Assembly will only be recognized when approved by such Assembly.
5. Their strong rejection of violence and any option involving the use of force.
6. Their support for and solidarity towards the Venezuelan Public Prosecutor and the members of the Public Prosecutor's Office, and their demand for the implementation of the precautionary measures ordered by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
7. Their condemnation of the systematic violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms, violence, repression, political persecution, the taking of political prisoners and the absence of free elections overseen by independent international monitors.
8. That Venezuela fails to comply with the requirements and obligations of United Nations Human Rights Council members.
9. Their grave concern over the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, and their condemnation of its Government for barring the entry of food and medicine intended to aid the Venezuelan people.
10. Their decision to continue the application of the Inter-American Democratic Charter to Venezuela.
11. Their support for MERCOSUR's decision to suspend Venezuela, in accordance with the Ushuaia Protocol on Democratic Commitment.
12. Their decision not to support any Venezuelan candidacy in international and regional organizations and mechanisms.
13. Their call for a halt to the transfer of arms to Venezuela, in the light of Articles 6 and 7 of the Arms Trade Treaty.
14. That, taking into consideration the current state of affairs, they shall request the Presidency Pro Tempore of CELAC and the European Union to postpone the CELAC-EU Summit set for October 2017.
15. Their commitment to follow up on the situation in Venezuela, at Foreign Ministers' level, until the full restoration of democracy in the country is achieved, as well as to meet at the latest during the next session of the United Nations General Assembly, on the occasion of which other countries may join the initiative.
16. Their willingness to support, urgently and within the framework of respect for Venezuelan sovereignty, all credible and good faith negotiation efforts, agreed upon by the parties and intended to achieve the peaceful restoration of Venezuelan democracy.
Lima, 8 August 2017.
Press release No. 320/17
Press Office: 4819-7375 / 8296 / 7388