By Ministerial Resolution No. 1567, of July 31, 2006, the Argentine National Contact Point (ANCP) was established within the scope of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship. Ministerial Resolution No. 17, of January 25, 2013, repealed Ministerial Resolution No. 1567 and established the functions of the National Contact Point to "promote the validity of the Guidelines of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for Multinational Enterprises and contribute to the resolution of issues related to their implementation ".
The National Contact Point for Responsible Business Conduct operates within the scope of the National Directorate for Multilateral Economic Negotiations (DNEMU).
On March 7, 2019, Resolution 138/2019 was approved, formalizing the constitution of the ANCP Advisory Council.
The function of the Argentine National Contact Point (ANCP) is to promote the effectiveness of the Guidelines, working in accordance with criteria of visibility, accessibility, transparency and responsibility. The ANCP carries out promotional activities, attends consultations and contributes to the resolution of questions that arise in relation to the implementation of the Guidelines in specific instances in an impartial, predictable, equitable manner and compatible with the principles and norms established in the Guidelines.